What if you lived to die
and gave all you had
to save the world
with you're blood?

If you could would you die for me?

And when the world wants nothing more than for you to be crucified
would you cry?

Could you love the man
who killed your brother
stole from his neighbor
raped a stranger
and cheated a beggar?

And all for a new birth
A gift of redemption?
that must be important.

Some say it's your choice
some say that you're chosen
by God The Father, Son and Spirit
The Creator Himself.

If you don't care
I'm sure that you have left these things on the shelf,
reduced God to a fairytale
and inserted yourself.
to choose you're life;
who you will be
what sex you are
and defend the death of babies.
“Do what you want, but hurt no one”
that's the code of that call
nothing good, nothing bad
,and too each “them’s” own.

No reason
or ration to justify your existence
so you change what seems wrong
(what used to be right)
now nothing is even.

This black and white world isn't grey
and if we keep on forgetting we'll keep seeing red blood spilling, sacrifice never completed

-But, the price has been paid
from death to the raised
outpouring Holy Spirit
light to the world
from the grave.
One day heaven reigns
even over every boy and girl
who bought the lie that he or she is gay.
That’s fake. Non existent
Non reality-a make believe game
that we are all coerced into playing.

Don't you realize we are all sinners
and that it's a surprise to behave?
Without Christ there is no reason to be good-good…
what is that anyway?

It's not what we believe
that makes fact a fact,
some prefer to take a trip with guns
instead of on railroad tracks;
eat flesh and blood,
own slaves (men stolen)
and if that’s a problem life’s
not grey it’s white and black
-that's a fact.

I know you know this if you're staying on track, because you won't kill
one, you will eat none, and
you've reached the point where skin
ain't the root of the matter (I’m hopeful).
You know of gravity, the sky, the trees
2+3 is 5 and if you absolutely decide
it's you who choose your own reality
-one day realize you're pity;
that everything is wrong because you're a rebel to The One who
lived, who bled, who died who said
“Give you're life for me and
you'll gain all for free”:
the gift,
to seek truth and love
not vain, comfort, greed.

“If you seek
you'll find me.”
And if you do
take a step back, He will be the one who was lookin' back
from the drivers seat.

Would you die for me?
What's wrong with greed?
Would you die for me?
Is it so wrong to throw seed?
Would you die for me?
Well The Son of Man did and you'll see
this world is Gods garden
and yes He's been keepin' it.

This a spiritual issue
not a chemical one
so why does it hurt you
