Fade to black.
Close you're eyes.
The image sets,
the picture lies.

What do you hear?
What can you feel?
Will the image
ever heal?
Or will you yield to what you imagine?
(the constant sorrows cry)
To fill the void
the image dies.

Open the door.
What's inside?
We always want
What we lack there of.
I'm reluctant to want
what the blind man
can't see
,but In the end
we are still given love.

No one needs sight
to believe.
It takes steps in the dark
to conceive.
Hoping in the dark
helps to relieve
the endless thoughts
of why we’re still breathing.

I can see many things
that distract me from my
Many reasons to doubt
what I believe,
but when I live blind
my soul is set free
so what good does seeing
do for me?

With eyes we are endowed
to behold Gods glory.
I’m relieved
It’s a gift for my eyes
to see.

